Pink Calcite, Stone of Connectivity

Compared to the effervescence of Rhodochrosite, this week’s crystal is the complete opposite. Pink Calcite is soft and gentle, so gentle that you can be forgiven for thinking that it has no effect, this is the beauty of Pink Calcite. It promotes calmness and serenity in such a gentle way that one does not even notice the change in oneself.

Over the years I have come to know three of the Mother Goddesses, each being very similar yet very different. Each Mother Goddess is associated with a different part of the world, Mother Mary is best known in the West, Quilla who is related to the Aztecs and only introduced herself to me last week; and Kuan Yin who is the Mother Goddess of the East. Kuan Yin’s energy is soft and gentle, but very supportive.

It is to Kuan Yin which Pink Calcite aligns its energy to and together, Goddess and Crystal help us to reach out to others. Continue reading Pink Calcite, Stone of Connectivity