Rose Quartz

In my last blog I mentioned that I had no idea which crystal I had to write about next and for two weeks I have had no indication of which stone it would be about. It was clear that it was going to be a Heart chakra stone, but which one I was not sure about. The Angels must have felt that I needed a bit of a break as my morning meditations were all beautiful and soft, but when I moved into the day’s work nothing! The Angels simply slipped away and my days were spent enjoying the company of my partner. Then suddenly in one meditation the Angels gave me eight crystals all at once, starting with Rose Quartz, along with some additional work that I will post as it is required. The Archangels told me that we are living in very exciting times and it is no coincidence that we will work with the Heart and the Higher Heart chakras now, the two most important chakras of our time.

So here is the first of the eight crystals that the Archangels would like to bring to our attention for the support of the Heart and the Higher Heart chakras.

Rose Quartz, Stone of Love

Rose Quartz is the ultimate heart healer and many Crystal Healers will call it the Master Heart Healer as it is so unshakeable in its ability to heal the heart. It can literally work for any situation the heart can find itself in whether it is a broken heart, an angry heart, a lonely heart or simply an overworked heart.

Rose Quartz Hearts
Rose Quartz brings piece and harmony to the Heart chakra

Rose Quartz will find a way to heal the situation but at the same time Rose Quartz is the gentlest crystal there is, so gentle it will even calm a new-born baby.


The oldest Rose Quartz beads found date back to 7000BC. They were found in Iraq which was then known as Mesopotamia, but it is generally thought that the Assyrians  were the first to use this crystal for jewellery.

Legend has it that it was the Ancient Greeks who first associated Rose Quartz with unconditional love. According to Greek mythology Aphrodite and Adonis were inseparable. In a fit of jealousy Ares, the God of war attacked Adonis. Aphrodite rushed to save her lover, but caught herself on a thorn-bush. Her blood mingled with Adonis’s blood and this stained a nearby white Quartz to pink. Zeus, took pity on his heart-broken daughter and returned Adonis to her 6 months later, uniting the lovers again. Since then Rose Quartz is known as the stone of unconditional love.

While in Egyptian Mythology it is said that the Goddess Isis rubbed Rose Quartz over her eyes and skin for a youthful look, hence the belief that Rose Quartz slows the ageing process down.


Rose Quartz is mostly found in massive form, large clumps that can stretch for metres, and seldom form crystal faces like other quartz crystals. It can be transparent, translucent or opaque. It is very rare to get brilliant clear Rose Quartz. The colour varies from delicate or pale to medium pink. It has a hardness of 7 and is associated with the element of water.

Rose Quartz
A piece of rough Rose Quartz stones with two tumbled stones


Rose Quartz has one function only and that is to teach us love. Its first lesson to anyone who works with Rose Quartz is self-love for one cannot attract any form of love if one does not appreciate and value oneself. From here it will move into the many aspects of love such as universal love, romantic love and friendship. Its aim is to help us to experience Unconditional love.

Give a heart

Because it is so focussed on the experience of Unconditional love it will always strive to bring you back to a state of balance and calm. When you are balanced and calm one is the closest to experiencing unconditional self-love. It is here, in this moment, when everything is perfect just as it is. This makes Rose Quartz a brilliant crystal to work in times of great stress or when one has experienced any form of trauma, making it a very good crystal to use just before and after any major operation.

It will calm any irregularities relating to the physical heart.

Crystal First Aid:

Hold a Rose Quartz to reduce any form of shock.

Crystal Quote:

Universe in our hearts“We hold the Universe in our hearts.”

What to expect:

Rose Quartz is an extremely gentle stone. By simply holding a cleansed crystal you will begin to feel calmer and more centred.

It will bring calmness and serenity to its environment.

The Best Way to Clean Rose Quartz:

It is one of the easiest crystals to clean. Simply rinse it in cold running water for a minute or so. As the water runs over it feel or see the crystal being cleansed.

Once it is clean set the intention to allow the crystal to work for your highest good.

With this crystal it is very important to clean it before and after you use it, because it naturally wants to bring things into a state of bliss it will pick up any emotional or spiritual debris in its surrounding environment.


Rose Quartz fades in direct sunlight, so it is best to charge it by the light of the moon. It can be charged at any stage between the New moon and the Full moon, but never after the Full moon as this will drain the energy from your crystal.

How to work with Rose Quartz:

There are literally hundreds of ways to work with Rose Quartz whether you want to wear it, carry a tumbled stone, make an elixir or sleep with it under your bed or pillow, the choice is completely yours. The only requirement is what is the most comfortable for you.

Tumbled Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz tumbled stones

Here are some ways to use it:

  1. Keep a Rose Quartz in your water bottle. This helps you to deal with daily stresses.
  2. Sleep with it under your pillow, mattress or bed for a peaceful night’s sleep. This will also counter nightmares.
  3. Take one with you on your next dentist appointment. Rub and hold it during the appointment. This alleviates the tension that goes with visiting a dentist. Out of curtsey I normally tell my dentist that I have a Rose Quartz in my hand.
  4. Hold before and after a major operation.
  5. Hold after any form of major trauma.
  6. Let someone who is very upset or cries uncontrollably hold a Rose Quartz to calm them down.
  7. Carry one on your body when you need to be calm and collected.
  8. Hold and rub when one feels lonely and unsupported.
  9. Place one next to your bed to attract romantic love into your life. Place an Amethyst next to it if you wish for a long-term relationship.
  10. Place an Amethyst and a Rose Quartz point in the living room of your house to attract harmony into your home.

Affirmation for working with Rose Quartz:

“I welcome bliss into my life.”

Angels, Ascended Masters and Spirit Guides working with Rose Quartz:

Because Rose Quartz’s integral message is unconditional love, many of the Angels, Ascended Masters and Spirit Guides like to work with this crystal.

Cherub holding Rose Quartz
Angels love this crystal

Archangel Ariel is most commonly associated with Rose Quartz, but it is also the crystal that Mother Mary and Kuan Yin will call on in any of their healing sessions.

Maitreya likes to give a Rose Quartz to the unsuspecting cynic, while Damara and Maat will leave little gifts of Rose Quartz for those who have called upon their help as a token of support.


Rose Quartz holds the innocence of a child and the wisdom and love of the Universe and is one of the most important crystals of our times. It is such a versatile crystal that each home should have at least one Rose Quartz in its crystal healing kit. It is gentle and loving and will support you through the ups and downs of life.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this blog over the next 8 weeks I will be writing about crystals that work with the Heart and the Higher Heart chakra. Next week the blog will be about Emerald, Archangel Raphael’s favourite crystal.


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