
Rhodochrosite, Stone of Optimism


This week’s crystal is Rhodochrosite. It is a beautiful pinky white stone, but is not the first stone one reaches for when you set out to work with Crystal. Yet it should be!

Rhodochrosite is generally known as the Inner Child Healer. This crystal helps one to let go of the hurts of the past.

While working with Rohodochrosite this week I was introduced to a new Deity, or at least new to me. Someone whose beauty and love is unparalleled. She is an Inca Goddess. Her name is Quilla, Mother of All, Protector of the Innocent.

Quilla came to me in my first mediation with Rhodochrosite. At first I did not recognise her as a new Deity and thought she was Mother Mary. Although she had all the qualities of Mother Mary there was something different. Lower down, under the section relating to Deities working with Rhodochrosite I go into more detail of the first time we met.

Quilla came to me in the second meditation as well and since then has been with me throughout the week. During the second meditation, she gently sat down next to me to explain the importance of the Rosinca (Rhodochrosite) to the Inca people.

When the Rulers of my people left this Earth, their blood flowed into Earth. The droplets fell from the rocks inside the caves and tunnels where it formed pillars to uphold and support our Nation. Some of the pillars have been collected to help heal those who have lost their way in the myriad of past experiences. The blood of our ancient Rulers brings light to those who can no longer see. It lights up the darkest night, giving my people, my warriors the strength and courage to continue their heroic battles. It heals their wounds.

Quilla went onto say:

We, the Gods, gave our people the Rosinca, so that they will know that the past is the present and the present is the future, but it is your thoughts that shape your world. See tragedy and you will experience tragedy, see good fortune and you will experience good fortune. The Rosinca has been infused with the blessings the Gods bestowed on the Sapa .”


Rohodochrosite gets its name from the Greek words, Rhodon and Chroma which together means rose-coloured. At one stage it was also known as Raspberry Spar.

Rhodochrosite, or manganese carbonate
Rhodochrosite, or manganese carbonate

Rhodochrosite belongs to the Carbonate family and the element, Manganese gives Rhodochrosite its pinky colour. Pure Rhodochrosite is very rare. This crystal comes in a multitude of shades from dark pink to light brown, but the pink and white banded stones are the most common. These stones are often tumbled and can display beautiful waves or flower like patterns. It is a very soft stone, only 3-4 on the Mohs’ scale and will be scratched by dust.

This crystal is most commonly found in Argentina and other South American countries like Chile and Peru. It is the national stone of Argentina, where it grows as stalactites in the silver mines. It became the state stone of Colorado after it was discovered and mined in the Sweet Home mine in Alma. It is also found in South Africa.


Carbonates will always help to bring issues to the surface. I was reminded of this a few Sundays ago when I partook in a Crystal Bowl healing session. At the end of my time in the crystal bowl circle Rhodochrosite kindly reminded me that: “Carbonates let issues bubble to the surface”.

Rhodochrosite is a powerful self healer. It helps to leave the past behind and to focus on the present by helping you to understand your emotions, where they come from and how to release them. It breaks down the belief that “one is bad when one feels negative emotions”. It helps you to see the truth about social conditioning and replace self- destructing emotions with feelings of honour, value and self-worth.

Rhodochrosite as a heart healer
Rhodochrosite helps you find your own worth

What makes Rhodochrosite such a special crystal is that it helps you to view yourself objectively. It helps you to appreciate your own value and to recognise your own special talents.

Rhodochrosite helps you to see the positive and light side of life. It releases any negative and irrational thoughts and fears.

It helps you to express your feelings of love.

It is a great stone for Hypnotherapists and Councillors when working with people who suffer from depression as it helps to combat unfounded fears and builds self-respect.

Crystal First Aid:

Crystal first aid

Judy Hall, in The Crystal Bible, suggests that if you suffer from migraines to place a Rhodochrosite at the top of your spine, close to your Medulla Oblongata. This will alleviate the migraine.

What to expect:

Rhodochrosite is effervescent. It is truly a happy stone.

When you work with it, it feels like the joy of life just bubbles up inside you. With Rhodochrosite, it is very difficult to suppress feelings of joy, love and happiness. It makes you want to live and enjoy life.

It is a very creative stone. It stimulates positive thoughts and gives deep insight into how to achieve. It takes the drudgery out of work.

You will feel energised when working with this stone.

It is an emotional stone and will bring deep-seated emotions to the surface so one can deal with them.

Cleaning and charging Rhodochrosite:

Rhodochrosite aligns itself with the elements of both fire and water. Use water to gently cleanse your crystal and use fire to re-charge it.

Gently rinse your crystal under clean, fresh running water and then place it in the sun to recharge.

How to use Rhodochrosite:

Rhodochrosite is best worn on the body as a pendant over the Heart Chakra or as a ring on the ring finger so that it can link into the flow of the Triple Heart Burner Meridian.

It is a beautiful crystal to meditate with. Meditate with it in the morning to energise yourself for the day.

Affirmations for working with Rhodochrosite:

For Rhodochrosite, I was given three affirmations, so you can choose the one you would like to work with.

Finding the power within

Every moment of my day is filled with Love”

I am loved and supported in every aspect of my life.”

Love heals me”

Deities working with Rhodochrosite:

When I started working with Rhodochrosite for this week’s blog, I immediately had a very beautiful and loving figure with me. I have never experienced beauty like this before and yet the energy was so close to that of Mother Mary’s. My first thought was that Mary Mother is showing me the true beauty that each of us hold, but then I asked for a name and a gentle voice replied Quilla. Her voice was beautiful and encouraging. She was very supportive and caring, only thing was that I had never heard of a Goddess called Quilla. As she sat down beside me, she showed me the World bathed in moonlight and said:

Each child born is gifted with special talents, it is man’s duty to help them discover these talents, so that each child can blossom into a creative, progressive, energetic adult. In turn they will teach the next generation of their beauty, ability and talents and so with each generation the energy of Earth is lifted and healed.”

I noticed that the image of Earth was set to South America and as I went to research Inca Mythology I found that the Third Deity in their Pantheon was Quilla, Goddess of the Moon, Master Healer and Protector of the Innocent.


Quilla, Divine Beauty, light my way through this dark night, so I too can see the beauty and ability that is deep within me. Thank you for your many blessings.”


Rhodochrosite is deeply connected to the development of man through Inca Mythology. It carries the ancient history of South America in its make up.

It is very seldom that one comes across a crystal that is so closely linked to the area where it is found. This is because Rhodochrosite knows what it is and where it fits into the Crystal World. It transfers these properties to anyone who works with it to give them a deep sense of belonging.

Rhodochrosite is found in South America
Rhodochrosite is closely linked to where it is found.

It is a beautiful crystal to work with and I would highly recommend that you add this crystal to your crystal collection.

Crystal Blessings




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