Stone of Stability
Red Jasper is the one crystal that everyone should have in their Crystal Kit. Just being in your kit, in your home Red Jasper will work its magic on you. Red Jasper is the friend that everyone wants… the friend who is always there, who is always ready to help you and give support, would never show you up and very seldom asks for anything in return.
The key word for Red Jasper is stability, but it could just as well be continuity, dependability or simplicity as it will bring all these aspects into your life.
Red Jasper is truly the workhorse in the Crystal world. It does not have to be asked to do any work for you, it will always strive to stabilise the environment it finds itself in.
Folklore/ History:
Jasper has been written about since before the Birth of Christ. The Egyptians used Jasper to assist women through pregnancies. It was also believed that if the energy of Red Jasper was harnessed with the full moon a women could place a sexual spell on a man. It is said that the man would be delirious with passion.
Jasper was also often worn as protection against drowning and the Native Americans believed that Jasper could bring the onset of rain.
Red Jasper is believed to represent the Tribe of Benjamin on Aaron, the first High Priest’s breastplate.
Jasper comes in a multitude of colours, so many that one can easily have a Chakra layout completely of Jasper. Along with the colour variety there is also a great variety of Jasper types, which is due to how and where the crystal forms.
It forms part of the Chalcedony family. Jasper is an extremely common stone and is found in almost every continent.
It is also a fire stone and just like the other two Root Chakra Stones we have discussed it has the hardness of 7, making it a very durable stone. Red Jasper gets its colour from iron pigments in the sediment.
Red Jasper is truly a no-fuss stone. It will make it as easy as possible for you to work with it. All you have to do is to clean and charge it regularly.
Red Jasper has one goal and one goal only. It works to stabilise its environment. This makes it an extremely powerful crystal which should not be taken lightly. It works mostly on then Etheric Body from where it will clear out any debris that is lodged in the Root Chakra, bringing the Root Chakra into balance, before assisting you to build on your life’s purposes.
Red Jasper is deeply nurturing and supportive, helping you to face up to reality and keeping you grounded to focus and work on unresolved issues. Red Jasper is the all-round supporter, the constant mentor that will give you the motivation to continue, along with the occasional ‘pep talk’ to keep your spirits up. This makes Red Jasper an excellent stone to use as a worry stone or beads.
Red Jasper has a very strong connection to Earth which means that it is an excellent stone for grounding.
Crystal First Aid:
Red Jasper is a good manager of stress. It is well known that Red Jasper is a great stone to have when recovering from illness as it helps the body to regain its natural state of balance.
Red Jasper is also very good at clearing gas from the body as it helps to release the trapped gas!
What to expect:
I am never sure what to expect from Red Jasper. It can quietly work on its environment by making you subconsciously aware of what changes need to be made to bring the equilibrium back into alignment, at the same time in the hands of an experienced healer it can work extremely fast and is very effective.
It is very energising. It adds a spring to your step, like you had a real energy boost!
If you allow it, Red Jasper can transform your life bringing about a sense of serenity and satisfaction at the same time.
Best Way to Clean Red Jasper:
Red Jasper does not ask for much in return for its support. It is quite happy with a quick rinse under some cool running water, but if you wish to indulge your Red Jasper, give it a salt water bath.
How to make a salt water bath:
Fill a small glass bowl with cold water and mix in a tablespoon of sea salt. Once the salt has dissolved place your crystal in the water
Never leave your Red Jasper in salt water for more than 10 minutes.
Charging Red Jasper:
Once you have cleaned your Red Jasper, it does require charging and here is a simple method to do so.
Simply hold Red Jasper in your hands, over your heart, in prayer form. Then think of a beautiful light filling you and your crystal. Let this beautiful light flow over your crystal and once it is completely covered, thank your Red Jasper:
“Thank Red Jasper for always being there, always supporting me.”
Red Jasper loves flowers, especially Daisies and Red Gerberas and truly appreciates it when can sit with a bunch of Daisies or Gerberas.
How to use Red Jasper:
Red Jasper just likes to be in your presence. Place it as part of an Altar if you wish to clear the space in your home.
Place it on your desk as an ornament to bring stability into the work place.
Use it as worry beads.
Make Red Jasper water and sip the water during the day.
To make Red Jasper water:
Fill a glass bottle with water. Place a cleansed and charged Red Jasper in the water and let it stand for 8 hours.
I normally make mine just before I go to bed and let it stand overnight. The following day I sip my crystal water during the day and whatever is left at the end of the day I pour out. Clean my crystal again and make some fresh water for the next day.
Red Jasper Affirmation:
My life is stable, I stand strong no matter what comes my way.
Angel Ascended Master and or Spirit Guide:
During each of the meditations I have done with Red Jasper this week I asked which of the Archangels, Angels, Ascended Masters or Spirit Guides it aligns to and each time I received the same answer:
“At this time I prefer to focus on my close connection to Earth and in stabilising each situation in which I find myself working. I work with the Earth’s energies to bring stability and co-operation amongst those who keep me in their presence.”
Meditating with Red Jasper:
Simply sit quietly with the Red Jasper in your hands on your lap and let the energy of this wonderful crystal flow deep into the Earth’s centre and from here let the energy fill you body and your aura.
Next week I will be discussing the last of the Root Chakra Crystals as given to me for this series…
Haematite- Stone of Purification