Compared to the effervescence of Rhodochrosite, this week’s crystal is the complete opposite. Pink Calcite is soft and gentle, so gentle that you can be forgiven for thinking that it has no effect, this is the beauty of Pink Calcite. It promotes calmness and serenity in such a gentle way that one does not even notice the change in oneself.
Over the years I have come to know three of the Mother Goddesses, each being very similar yet very different. Each Mother Goddess is associated with a different part of the world, Mother Mary is best known in the West, Quilla who is related to the Aztecs and only introduced herself to me last week; and Kuan Yin who is the Mother Goddess of the East. Kuan Yin’s energy is soft and gentle, but very supportive.
It is to Kuan Yin which Pink Calcite aligns its energy to and together, Goddess and Crystal help us to reach out to others.
There is no mythology that specifically links back to Pink Calcite, but Calcite has been used as lime in folk medicine for many years. It was and is often used in a poultice to heal skin conditions, especially ulcerated wounds.
Calcite belongs to the Carbonate family with Calcium combining with the Carbonate Radical. Calcite is the most common of all the carbonates and is the largest part of lime stone and marble. It forms when the minerals in limestone dissolve through thermal or hydro-thermal activity and these mineral rich solutions settle in the cracks of the host rock. Calcite is a very soft stone with a hardness of 3 on the Mohs’ scale.
There are many colours of Calcite ranging from black to clear. The colour depends on the inclusions in the crystal. It is the element Manganese which gives Pink Calcite its pinky hue and because of this Pink Calcite is sometimes known as Mangano Calcite.
Pink Calcite can be found in both clear and opaque form. The clear crystal is often sold in its rough form and resembles a parallelogram. Many crystal healers believe this crystal is the weaker of the two types of Pink Calcite. The opaque Pink Calcite grows into big rocks. This crystal is commonly sold as a tumbled stone, but one can also find figurines and little ornaments carved from this stone.
Pink Calcite is the Crystal of Connectivity.
The two aspects of Pink Calcite reminds us of the opposites that exist in each of us. It reminds us of the importance of balance in every aspect of our lives.
When we work with any of the Calcites, we become very aware of our environment and the influences that have shaped us throughout our life. Pink Calcite, like so many of the pink crystals teaches us about love and self-love, but Pink Calcite also helps us to see the world from another’s perspective. This makes it easier for us to connect to each other and in turn helps us to forgive any hurts caused by that person. This makes this crystal excellent for shock or trauma treatment.
Pink Calcite helps us to look at the world through emphatic eyes. It helps one to find your place in this world and helps one to recognise the healer within. Once this has been achieved, this crystal will help you to connect to the Angelic Realm. It is through this connection that one learns that we are always loved and always supported. It is the Angels that teach us the true meaning of self-love and self- respect.
Pink Calcite’s connection to the Angelic Realm makes it one of the best stones for grieving.
Crystal First Aid:
Place a crystal under the mattress to stop nightmares.
What to expect:
Pink Calcite is a very gentle stone, so gentle it is difficult to feel its energy working. The best way to describe what it feels like to work with is that comfortable feeling of a warm soft blanket on a cold winter’s night. Pink Calcite makes us feel safe in an ever-changing world.
Working with both the opaque and clear crystal at the same time, opaque for night and clear for day, one will feel more calm and balanced.
Just like Rose Quartz this crystal is gentle and safe enough to place under the mattress or cot of a sleeping baby.
The Best Way to Clean A Pink Calcite:
Due to its softness, one should be careful when using water to clean any Calcite crystals.
One of the functions of Pink Calcite is to help mankind link to the Angelic World. This stone just loves the Angels and so it is no surprise that its favourite way of cleansing is Angelic music.
Place it in a bowl in front of the speaker, turn the volume slighty down and let the music wash over the crystals.
This will not only clean the crystal but also charge it.
You can substitute Angelic music with music by Mozart.
How to work with Pink Calcite:
Opaque Pink Calcite is primarily a sleep stone. Choose a crystal that fits nicely in your hand and hold it at night while sleeping. Crystals will almost always move to where healing is most needed, so don’t be surprised to find your crystal in different spot in the morning. Always clean your crystal after use and place it by your bedside to use again at night.
Clear Pink Calcite is an even softer energy. Wear this crystal as jewellery, either as earrings, a pendant or a ring.
To combat shock or trauma make an elixir with this crystal. A few drops in a glass of water has a very calming effect. This is especially effective when dealing with grief.
Affirmation for Pink Calcite:
“Serenity is the very essence of my life”
Deities working with Pink Calcite:
When I close my eyes I see Kuan Yin in front of me. She sometimes appears to me in her royal regalia, but most of the time she appears as a beautiful Asian lady with long flowing hair dressed in a simple white robes. Her voice is soft and soothing and one instantly relaxes in her company.
Kuan Yin sees it as her duty to help each person to reach enlightenment. Her wish for mankind is to learn empathy. Her gift to us is Pink Calcite in which she blends the strength of the Earth with the Divine of the Heavens.
When you hold a Pink Calcite, Kuan Yin wants you to feel the love and compassion she holds for Earth and its inhabitants.
She reminds us that we are all perfect beings of love, just as we are. Nothing and no one can ever extinguish this love within.
She says:
“Gentle child, Allow yourself to feel the love from within and you will shine, for as long as you deny yourself this love you will stumble in darkness.”
“Beloved Kuan Yin, light the flame of love within me and help me to see the World through your eyes. Let compassion shine through all my actions and please bring peace and calm into my life now. Thank you”
Pink Calcite has become one of my new favourite crystals. It is such a marvellous stone to work with that I am quite sad that I now have to start work on another crystal, but next week’s crystal is another fantastic crystal as it is the embodiment of the Heart Chakra, Watermelon Tourmaline. In my opinion one of the most beautiful crystals there is!
Thank you for reading this blog and I do hope that you found it of interest? I do value all the feedback I receive and would love to hear from you about your experiences with any of the crystals I have written about so far.
If you wish you can leave a comment below or email me direct on
Many thanks and Crystal Blessings