Stone of Harmony
I know that every week I gush over the crystal that I am writing about and this week is will be no different, only the gush level has been raised substantially. Orange Calcite is such a happy joyous crystal, how can I not sing its praises!
Every time I work with Orange Calcite, which is not enough in my opinion, my spirits soar. Working with this crystal is like being lifted up by a bunch of colourful balloons on a warm sunny day, just enjoying the wonder of life. Yes, this week I am truly waxing lyrical!
This week, each time I sat down with the crystal in meditation, a warm happy glow came all over me. Orange Calcite speaks in a soft comforting voice. It reminded me of the importance of a happy home and how important it is to keep the energy balanced in your home, as this is the place where you should be able to re-energise yourself.
Orange Calcite works very closely with Archangel Jophiel, who is the Archangel of Beauty and Damara, a goddess that encourages harmony within a family. Together they create domestic bliss.
Calcite gets its name from the Greek word Chalix, which means lime. It is the main ingredient in limestone and marble and has been used as a building material since the time of the Pyramids. Coral and other sea organisms use Calcite to build their shells, by pulling carbon dioxide out of the seawater. This discovery has led Environmentalists to look at Calcite as a filter for carbon dioxide as a way to fight global warming.
Calcite is extremely common, in fact so common that 4% of the Earth’s crust is made out of Calcite and it comes in a great variety of colours and forms in many different ways. Calcite is a fairly soft crystal with a hardness of three so this makes it too soft to make jewellery with. It will form bubbles when it comes into contact with weak acids like vinegar. Calcite is often see-through, although Orange Calcite is opaque with a waxy look to it.
Because Orange Calcite is so closely associated with the Root and Sacral Chakra and with Archangel Jophiel and the goddess Damara, one of its primary functions is to stabilise and harmonise the energies in the home.
Orange Calcite is essentially an energy cleanser and will work to clear away fear, anxiety and frustrations. This makes it the ideal stone to keep the energies in a home clean. It aims to bring about harmony and stability. It is an energy booster and helps one to overcome apathy. It brings about a sense of positivity.
I have always found that it makes me feel cosy and safe.
Working with Orange Calcite often leads to ordered thinking, which at home can lead to a desire to declutter. Due to this aspect of the stone it is a great stone for teenagers. Not only will it help them to keep their rooms tidier, but it will also help them in their studies and exams.
I would recommend a nice big piece of Orange Calcite if you want to use it to balance the energy in the home and the smaller tumbled stones as personal energy boosters.
Crystal First Aid:
Whenever you feel like you need a little boost – a “pick me up”, hold an Orange Calcite and in minutes your mood will lift.
The Best Way to Clean:
Orange Calcite is a self- cleansing stone. This means in theory that you do not need to ever clean this crystal, but just like us crystals appreciate a bit of pampering and Orange Calcite is no different.
Small tumbled stones can be rinsed under cool running water for a few minutes while holding the intent for the crystal to be cleaned.
For any crystal bigger than a tumbled stone, I would recommend that you place your crystal in a triangle of clear Quartz points with the points pointing outward for about 10-15 minutes. This will draw out any stale or negative energy it has collected.
It seems to me that every stone I am working with at the moment likes the Sun and seems to be energised by the Sun, which is no surprise as we just have to think of how people come alive on a nice sunny day.
I have found that my Orange Calcite does not like direct sun, so I always place it in a shady corner of the garden for a re-charge. It can be left out all day. I will often leave it out for a good 24 hours so it can receive both the day and night energy.
Where to wear it:
If you wish to carry an Orange Calcite on your person, simply carry it in a pocket around the hip area. (As I like dresses, I often don’t have pockets, so I would pop the crystals into my bra and carry them that way.)
As a home harmoniser place the Orange Calcite in the room which is mostly often used by the whole family.
Because it encourages ordered thinking it is a great stone to have in a study.
Angels, Ascended Masters and Spirit Guides:
As I mentioned earlier Archangel Jophiel and the goddess Damara are very closely linked to Orange Calcite.
Archangel Jophiel is the Archangel of Beauty and encourages us to see the beauty that is all around us, not just in our environment, but also in those around us. She is very creative and helps us to bring beauty and harmony into the home. She is especially helpful when one redecorates.
Goddess Damara focusses more on the home front. Her primary focus is to help us with our home life, to bring calmness and serenity to the home.
I have always found both Archangel Jophiel and goddess Damara very soft-spoken and gentle. There is never a sense of urgency when they are around as they remind us that the most important things in our lives are those who we love and share our home with. And to take the time to listen and enjoy our family’s company.
Because both Archangel Jophiel and goddess Damara focusses on bringing harmony into a home I will often use the same invocations for both. I normally use it when I need inspiration or when I need reminding of the value of those who I love.
“Archangel Jophiel, Please let me see through this veil of apathy and lethargy inspire me to be the best I version of myself .”
“Sweet Damara, I have lost focus of what is important, please guide me back to see what is truly of value to me”
Meditating with Orange Calcite:
If you are proficient in meditation, here is a lovely energy boosting meditation:
Place three cleansed and charged Orange Calcite in a triangle around you as you prepare to meditate. As you go into the deep state of meditation, focus on the healing energy of the Orange Calcite. Let it spontaneously fill your energy field, do not try to force it, but rather stay with your normal meditative state.
When you are ready to come out of the meditative state, simply thank the crystals for their support and help. Remember clean your crystals after each use.
Never do this meditation at night as it will keep you awake.
Orange Calcite is a happy stone that will work to bring happiness and harmony into every aspect of your live.