Stone of Purification
Haematite is a crystal that takes itself very seriously. As I sat down with Haematite for the first meditation of the week I immediately felt its presence and it stayed with me throughout the week. It had a strong influence on all the healings I did this week. It is here to work and not to fool about. The messages I received were all short and sharp and to the point, all the while Archangel Zadkiel’s violet flame flickered around me.
It is truly a stone of Purification. Haematite helps one to forgive those who have hurt you and to let go of issues and situations that drain you of your life energy. It will also help with hurts that has been carried over from past lives and in doing so purify your auric field and soul.
Folklore/ History:
Haematite has a rich history. It is thought that Haematite was first used in cave drawings by Stone Age man over 164 000 years ago in what is known today as South Africa. It was powdered down to make a reddish paste which was then used to draw with.
Haematite gets its name from the ancient Greek word for blood stone Hamatits Lithos. The ancient Egyptians believed that Haematite can stop the flow of blood, again it was made into a paste and smeared over the bleeding wound. It was also believed that Haematite deposits would be found in the battlefields were battles where lost. The Native Americans believed that it would make a man invisible during a battle, so they smeared the paste on their bodies. Because of the reddish colour that it gives off during the tumbling stage of polishing, it is also sometimes referred to as the Bloodstone.
Haematite is essentially iron ore. Its crystalline structure is trigonal and it has a hardness of 6.5. It is quite a heavy crystal as nearly 70% of it is iron. When it is mined it is reddish brown to silver black in colour, but when it is polished it turns to a dark silver. It is often magnetised. It is extremely common and is found all over the world. It is also what gives Mars its red colour. It is harder than steel, but much more brittle.
Some people are put off by this crystal’s very direct approach, but if you give it time and allow it to work with you, it will help you to release old hurts in a way that makes sense to you.
Every week when I write about crystal, I am always reminded that when one works with crystal you are the one in control, not the crystal. Crystal can never make you do anything that you do not want to do. Crystal does not magically transform issues or bad situations for you, but what they do is allow you to look at the issues or the situation you find yourself in with fresh eyes and will almost always show you a way out or how to improve the situation to your soul’s advantage. And this is very much what Haematite will do for you.
It will show and help you to change old hurts into loving lessons. This crystal will definitely help you to let go of pain and hurt you may have suffered through this or any past life.
Haematite has another function as well, as it purifies your auric field it will build a shield around you and protect you.
For the first time I am urged to write about the physical healing aspect of a crystal. Haematite is one of the few crystals that will first work on the physical systems of an illness before it will look at the emotional or mental issues regarding an illness. Haematite works almost exclusively with blood related dis-eases. It works to cleanse and regulate the blood flowing in your body.
Crystal First Aid:
Haematite is excellent for helping with the absorption of iron into the bloodstream, making it an excellent crystal to work with if you suffer from Anaemia (which most light workers do.)
If you suffer from night leg cramps, place a cleansed pair of magnetised Haematite at your feet before you go to sleep. In the morning clean the stones and use as necessary.
What to expect:
Haematite is very direct and very to the point. As I sat in meditation with Haematite it felt like I had a school master presiding over my words and thoughts on Haematite. It allows very little space for error and you will immediately know where you have gone wrong and how to rectify the situation.
If you meditate on an issue using Haematite, it will feel like a light bulb has gone on and is now lighting up the way to release the pain and hurt caused by this issue to make way to allow joy and harmony to flow into your life.
If you are just working with Haematite by wearing it close to your lower chakras, you might at first feel tired before you feel a strong burst of energy. This is to allow you to time to think through the issues at hand and to take the advice shown or given to you on the best way forward. Once this is clear to you, you will be energised into action.
I am asked to highlight that Haematite never works alone. It always work under the supervision and guidance of Archangel Zadkiel, the Archangel of Mercy and Forgiveness, so you might even find yourself seeing sparks of violet flames or find that you are more drawn to the colour violet when you work with Haematite.
If you are using Haematite purely to work on blood related issues, you will be more energised and feel calmer and more grounded as you go about your day… Haematite is very good at managing mood swings due to low blood sugar.
Best Way to Clean Haematite:
Being a fire stone one would think that Haematite would prefer to be smudged, but as it works so closely with Archangel Zadkiel it prefers to be cleanse by Archangel Zadkiel’s Violet Flame.
Simply hold your Haematite in your hands and invite Archangel Zadkiel in to cleanse your stone for you. A ray of violet light will enter your hands and cleanse your crystal. From here it will flow into your body and cleanse your body. It will swirl around your body and then go back up into the heavens.
Charging Haematite:
Haematite is a cultured crystal, a sophisticated crystal and even though it might feel heavy and harsh at times it likes to rejuvenate itself with sound.
If you have a singing bowl place your Haematite in the bowl as you create sound with your bowl.
If you do not have a singing bowl, simply place your Haematite in front of a speaker and then play any piece by Mozart or angelic music at medium volume.
Where to wear it:
Haematite is very much a crystal for the lower three chakras. It is best worn as close as possible to your Root Chakra. This can be done by wearing one on both sides in a pocket that sits on your hips.
As our wrists naturally hang by the side of our hips, one can also wear Haematite as a bracelet.
One can also sleep with the stone by your feet, if you wish to release past hurts. (See Archangel invocation)
Never work with Haematite for more than 20 minutes at a time.
Work in the higher chakras should only be done under the supervision of a qualified therapist.
Crystal Warnings:
Haematite is very grounding and as such can be overwhelming for some people.
It is best not to wear this crystal over any of the higher chakras, as it can make you feel dragged down.
Also if you are prone to depression or melancholy this crystal might be too grounding for you.
Affirmation for when working with Haematite:
I allow myself to be cleansed from past hurts. The pain I carry is transformed into love and harmony.
Angel Ascended Master and or Spirit Guide:
As mentioned earlier Haematite never works alone. It always works under the supervision and guidance of Archangel Zadkiel, who is the Archangel of Mercy and Forgiveness. It is very interesting as I have never come across a crystal that works so closely with an Archangel.
Both Archangel and crystal works to help you find ways to forgive those who have hurt you in the past. They work together to release you from any bonds that have been placed on you. They literally want to set you free from any emotional prison you might find yourself in. They both want you to experience the sweet joy that comes with an unbounded heart.
Beloved Archangel Zadkiel, please come to me now. Show me how I can be released from any feelings of victim-hood and thank you for helping me reclaim my heart.
(This Invocation is best done at night just before bedtime placing a Haematite by each foot. You might find that you have very vivid dreams, but by the morning you will feel refreshed as if new.)
Meditating with Archangel Zadkiel and Haematite:
Sit in your normal meditation position and hold a cleansed Haematite in each hand. Let your hands rest on your legs.
Quieten your mind and when you are ready call on Archangel Zadkiel and Haematite to assist you in your meditation. Allow your mind to flow freely, but do not follow it into any of the thought patterns that may come up…simply let it run through whatever issue it brings to light. As an issue comes into your mind ask Archangel Zadkiel to get rid of it by using his violet flame.
Once the issue has been cleansed, you might find that ideas on how to move forward will pop into your mind. Ask for these ideas to still be clear after the meditation. Once you feel comfortable and ready to finish your meditation, simply thank Archangel Zadkiel and Haematite. You will know see/feel a cocoon of light forming around you with deep strong roots into the Earth to keep you grounded throughout the day.
If you wish to work with Archangel Zadkiel and Haematite on a deeper level, please feel free to contact me.
Haematite is the last of the four crystals relating to the Root Chakra as chosen by the Angels. Next week I will be discussing the Sacral Chakra and the crystals the Angels have chosen for this Chakra.