Green Fluorite is another one of Archangel Raphael’s favourite crystals.
So far Archangel Raphael has given us Emerald – The Stone of Success, Malachite – The Stone of the Wise, Ocean Jasper – The Stone of Connectivity and this week it is Green Fluorite – The Harmony Seeker. Archangel Raphael is giving us the tools to work in close harmony with one another.
There is a lot written in general about Fluorite, but very little about Green Fluorite. It is no wonder then that Archangel Raphael is keen to tell us more about how to work with this crystal.
Green Fluorite is a perfect crystal to follow Ocean Jasper. If we are to understand our close connection, then we have to find ways that we can work in close harmony.
There is very little written about Fluorite or Fluoruspar as it was originally known. Fluoruspar was named after the Latin word for water “fluo”. Its name was changed to Fluorite when it was discovered that it is fluorescent under Ultra violet light.
Through the ages Fluorite has been mostly used for ornamental carvings, which are still very popular with the Chinese.
It is believed that the Romans had wine goblets cut from Fluorite as they believed that drinking wine from a Fluorite goblet would prevent drunkenness! They believed the same about Amethyst, so it is widely accepted that it would have been purple Fluorite that was used for wine goblets.
Visit any history museum and you might find small bowls carved from Fluorite in the Ancient History section.
Fluorite belongs to the Halide family in the mineral world. It is Calcium Fluoride and has a cubic or octahedral inner structure. This is the shape you get when you place two pyramids on top of one another. Fluorite is fairly soft and only measures 4 on Mohs’ scale. It has a perfect break-line(cleavage) and will nearly always break into a cube. It is transparent to translucent and has a waxy shine to it. Fluorite comes in a great variety of colours, from clear, white to black. These colours are due to impurities in the crystal during growth.
Green Fluorite is most often found in hydro-thermal veins and around hot springs, but can also form magmatically. The biggest mass are formed magmatically.
Green Fluorite, like so many of the other green crystals is a heart healer. Yet unlike most other green crystals it also works very well for communities or groups. It brings people closer together and ensures that a working harmony exists within the group.
It does this by helping the group to release outdated thought patterns and find ways to move forward that are beneficial for everyone in the group, not just the individual. It clears negativity from within the group. It creates a space for each person in the group to grow to the best of their ability.
It will help the group to set up a system and a structure that works, and in doing so very little miscommunication takes place. Everyone in the group knows exactly what is expected of them and each one works towards the betterment of the group as a whole. With Green Fluorite there is no place for small-mindedness.
This crystal is a highly creative and visual stone and actives the mind.
Fluorite is one of my go-to crystals and it is very seldom that a week will go by that I don’t use fluorite in some way. Green Fluorite’s ability to harmonise, make it a crystal that I use every time I do a group healing. I love using Green Fluorite especially in crystal grids.
Crystal First Aid:
I use Fluorite for anything and everything, from cramps and back pain to colds and flu’s.
What to expect:
Like so many of the other Fluorites, Green Fluorite’s effect is gradual and very subtle. There will nearly always be a clear turning point when the group starts to function as a whole.
If you are new to a group, wear a piece of Green Fluorite for easy acceptance into the group.
The Best Way to Clean Green Fluorite:
As Fluorite belongs to the Halide family and because it is so soft, it is best to clean it on a bed of rock salt. Simply place it after each use on a bed of rock salt overnight and rinse it in the morning.
Fluorite fades in bright light, so if you choose to charge your Fluorite with the Sun, please ensure that it is not in direct sunlight.
I prefer to charge my Fluorite with the energy of the Moon, but recently have noticed that Angelic music works just as well.
How to wear Fluorite:
When using Green Fluorite in a group situation, place a large crystal in the room which is most frequently used by the group.
For personal use, Green Fluorite is best worn.
Fluorite makes beautiful jewellery, but remember this is a very soft stone, so is is best to wear it as earrings or as a pendant.
Affirmation for when working with Green Fluorite:
“I am in the perfect position to contribute to society.”
Angels, Ascended Masters and Spirit Guides working with Green Fluorite:
When I first started working with Angels and Crystals, I read in one of Doreen Virtue’s books that Fluorite is the crystal of Archangel Chamuel and as such I have always called on this Archangel when I work with Fluorite. Over the years I have noticed that Archangel Chamuel works best with banded Fluorite or multicoloured Fluorite. Archangel Chamuel, especially loves the Fluorite that has a layering of white, purple and green. It seems that working with Archangel Chamuel this type of Fluorite is a powerful tool to manifest dreams into reality.
Green Fluorite’s energy mostly aligns with the energy of Archangel Raphael who uses the energies very effectively to bring groups together for Earth healing purposes.
“Dear Archangel Raphael, please help me find my place on Earth where I too can be most effective and play my role in making this World a better place for all of us to live in. Thank you.”
With Green Fluorite it is easy to remember that to grow as a person one has to be able to function within a group. It is within a group that we can truly become who we are, by appreciating that each person in the group has a special skill set that adds value to the group. Green Fluorite helps us to bring the best out of everyone.
Crystal Blessings
Interesting properties in a business environment!
Yes, Green Fluorite will help to create a better working environment !