Archangel Raphael Green Feathers

Earth Healing with Archangel Raphael

I have a real issue with forgiveness at the moment.

Last week in the news we were once again made aware of the incredible cruelty people inflict on others, man and beast for their own personal gain or pleasure. This is something I find really hard to understand.

There is the ongoing misery of the migrants who willingly part with their hard-earned cash and trust their lives to someone who does not care whether they arrive safely or legally in a promised land. These people smugglers not only have complete disregard for the law and the people of the countries they try to bring these migrants into, but they care even less for those they are smuggling. They are willing to use unseaworthy boats and let these vessels take on water in the hope that the people in them might get rescued. It is hard to find compassion when you think that the smuggler already has the money of that poor drowned person. How do you forgive such a callous and cruel person?

Then on Tuesday there was a snippet in the UK news that said that in 6 years  time all the African elephants in Tanzania will be wiped out due to poaching!All due to greed! I find it really difficult to forgive these poachers. Why do they need forgiveness? They deliberately, callously and very brutally kill an animal for their own personal gain.

Ivory Tusks
A Pile Of Old Ivory Tusks

And on Wednesday another article in the news here was about a mother and her civil partner who brutally abused her sons, so much so that the two-year old died of a ruptured heart. Again I struggle to forgive these two ladies. I always thought that as a mother it is your duty to protect and care for the little ones entrusted to you.

This anger I feel towards these groups of people worried me, more so as I was reminded on Saturday that “Not forgiving, kills the heart”. Where is the peace and love that I always wish upon every one?

So on Friday morning I put this question to Archangel Raphael and this was his reply:

To forgive does not mean that you accept other’s wrongdoing, it simply means that you no longer allow yourself to be tormented by it. This does not mean that you simply set aside the wrongdoing or you accept responsibility for it. It means that you feel compassion to the victim and you send healing to the situation in which they might find themselves in. You send them love, support and most of all wisdom  to make the right choices to keep them and those in their care safe.

For instance in the case of the elephants to hold healing, protective thoughts so that the poachers cannot find them, that they may always be somewhere else to where the poachers are. Or simply that a live elephant becomes more valuable that the tusks to the poachers.

African Elephants

For the abused child, woman, or man, hold protective healing thoughts towards them so that the abuser loses interest in being violent and can find a way to see the results of their actions.

These may sound like lofty ideas, seemingly in-achievable goals, but the power is truly in your hands. Think and speak of love, peace and serenity when you speak of these inexplicable crimes against fellow living beings.

Always heal the situation!

When you do this you spread a blanket of compassion of those in need/ pain. When you forgive the hurt that was done to others you help them to forgive their perpetrators. To break this cycle of violence you should always work and speak from a position of compassion. Watch your words as angry words feeds violence and cruelty.

For extra support here is an invocation and crystal grid to bring peace and serenity unto Earth. Send it out to as many as you can as and ask everyone to use it so that healing can permeate these cultures of cruelty.

I am the Master Healer, together you and I and all those who wish to can bring about change in this world.

Thank You, Archangel Raphael”

Below is the Invocation and crystal grid given to me by Archangel Raphael.

There is a little preparation to do before you can begin.

For the invocation, write the invocation down with exactly the situation you wish to send healing to. There is space left in brackets where to add in this situation.


Beloved Archangel Raphael, Angel of Healing, please come to me now, fill me with your light so I can send it to (_________________________) to be healed. Hold this situation in your light and let it be healed. Let kindness and love reign over this situation and let peace and serenity fill this Earth now. Many Thanks”

  1. Find a quiet spot where you can be undisturbed for the next 5-10 minutes.
  2. Sit down and make sure that you are comfortable.
  3. Close your eyes and think of Archangel Raphael. Normally you will feel or see swirls of green all around you when Archangel Raphael is close by, but if you experience nothing please do not worry about it. Simply focus your attention on Archangel Raphael.
  4. When you are ready, read the invocation out loud and repeat 2 more times, so that you have read it 3 times in total.
  5. In your mind’s eye see the green light go to the area which you spoke of and see the situation healed. In my case I would see happy children playing, being loved by their parents or people genuinely taking an interest in helping others to get to and arrive in a new country, legally and safe, so that they can build the new life they dream of; or simply more elephants in the wild in Tanzania.
  6. When you feel the situation healed, let this Green light flow into Earth and anchor the healing deep within .
  7. Feel yourself compassionate, strong and healed of any hurt or pain you might be feeling.
  8. Feel yourself protected, grounded and connected to Earth and let this green light gently disconnect from you.
  9. Bless yourself, bless your loved ones and then bless the World.

This whole process should not take longer than 5-10 minutes. And is most effective if done twice a day for no less than a  week, but you can continue for as long as you wish.

Earth Healing Crystal Grid:

For the crystal grid you will need to cleanse and charge your crystal for healing.

Always set up a crystal grid in an area where it will not be disturbed for a little while.

You will need the following:

A picture or written description of the situation you would like to heal.

One Merkaba Clear Quartz Crystal

12 Green tumbled Fluorites

12 Rose Quartz Crystals

12 Green Tourmalines, (in my grid I have used tumbled stones, but you can use rough pieces if you have them.)

12 Clear Quartz Crystals

Optional, a Clear Crystal Wand

Crystals Used for Archangel Raphael Healing Grid
A Merkaba Quartz, Green Fluorites, Tumbled Rose Quartz, Tumbled Green Tourmalines , Clear Quartz slices and a Clear Quartz Wand

Please ensure that your crystals are cleaned and charged before you set up this crystal grid

Please make sure that you have washed your hands before you set up this grid.

Lay out:

  1. Place the picture/ description in such a way that the top of it points due North.
  2. Now place the Merkaba Quartz Crystal in the centre of the picture.
  3. Place the 12 Green Fluorites around the Quartz crystal.
  4. Place the 12 Rose Quartz Crystals on the outside of the Green Fluorites.
  5. Place the 12 Green Tourmalines on the outside of the Rose Quartz stones.
  6. Place the 12 Clear Quartz Crystals on the outside of the Green Tourmalines .
  7. Connect the 12 Clear Quartz Crystals with your wand, if you do not have a wand use your index finger.
  8. Now energize this grid by holding your hands over it and imaging clear bright light flowing into it.
  9. To protect and ground yourself after you have energised the healing  crystal grid, see the light change to green and let this green light flow into you, through you and into Earth grounding you and the healing you have just done.
Archangel Raphael Earth Healing Crystal Grid
Archangel Raphael’s Earth Healing Crystal Grid

Ideadly you should energize your grid once a day.

Keep the grid set up until you see an improvement in the situation.

If you need any help or assistance please do not hesitate to contact me, my email is

Crystal Blessing


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