
Stone of Manifestation

Some crystals, like some people are just dependable rocks (excuse the pun). No matter what you do, no matter how often you work with them, they are there for you, support you and guide you to what is best for you. Citrine is one of those crystals. Citrine is solid, very solid, but at the same time uplifting and fun.

There is no denying Citrine’s manifestation properties. Once you hold a Citrine in your hand you immediately feel stronger, more alive, creative ideas begins to flow and you find intuitive ways to see your projects through.

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Stone of Protection

Oh! Where do I start? This might sound like a very melodramatic way to start a blog about what seems to be a very ordinary stone, but Amber is no ordinary crystal. It has no inner crystalline structure as it is fossilized resin. It is completely organic and yet it has a long history of mythology and folklore, having been used as a gem for many centuries and nearly all cultures believed in the healing powers of this stone. In the West today it is the crystal that is mostly embraced for its healing power.

It is one of my go-to crystals and one that I carry almost everyday. I especially like combining the energies of Amber with that of Rose Quartz. I wear these on days that I don’t quite feel up to scratch. Amber’s protective energy along with Rose Quartz’s nourishing energy is a perfect pick me up.

There is no denying Amber’s function and role in the healing world and its protection properties are most prevalent. Because of this it is also very closely linked to the wisest of Archangels, Archangel Uriel. The minute you work with Amber you call on the energies of Archangel Uriel.

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Stone of Balance

Moonstone is a gentle crystal that brings into balance all aspects of our being.

I very seldom know which crystal I am going to work with each week. It is not until I finalise the blog that I am working on that I am given the next crystal and what function I need to focus on for the next blog.

A smile crossed my face as I completed the Aquamarine blog, Archangel Haniel’s soothing voice said: “Look out of the window, look at the beautiful moon tonight. Next week we will discuss how to use Moonstone to bring balance back into one’s life.” I love working with Archangel Haniel as she is grace and beauty personified.

Archangel Haniel Moon
A lady looking at the moon through a window

Moonstones energy is deeply feminine and as it names implies it is very closely connected to the moon and the moon goddesses. For me though, whenever I work with Moonstone I work with Archangel Haniel and vice versa. This close connection is because both Archangel and the crystal remind me of the beauty in life and the value of balance in every aspect of our life. When we focus too much on only one aspect of our life, it is our Sacral chakra that suffers the most. We become closed to the feminine creative energy of this chakra and its flow of energy that is so important to keep a balance in everything we do.

Overly aggressive people greatly benefit from carrying this crystal as it encourages them to see a situation from both sides.


My favourite folklore story relating to the creation of Moonstone comes from the Vedic Scriptures, which tells the story of how Lord Vishnu defeated the demon god Bali by breaking his body into many different pieces. These pieces fell to Earth and formed the many different gemstones we know today. Moonstone is the glint from Bali’s blue eyes. In India there is also a belief that Moonstone is solidified moonbeams and this makes the crystal so powerful that it is considered a sacred stone. The Indian word for Moonstone is ‘Chandrakanta’ which means beloved by the moon. What an apt name for such a beautiful crystal!

The Romans believed it was solidified drops of moon light and represented romantic love. It had the power to change ones fortunes in love. It could reunite lovers, if the energy was harnessed on the full moon and could bring about good luck. It was believed that if you held a Moonstone in your mouth during a full moon you could predict the outcome of a relationship. The Greeks wore it as jewellery for its protective powers.

In the East it was believed that a benevolent spirit lived inside a moonstone and this spirit could create good luck for its wearer.

In the Middle East Moonstone was seen as a stone of fertility and would protect one throughout a pregnancy. If one had trouble falling pregnant, it was considered a good practice to sew a Moonstone into your undergarment. This would help the woman to fall pregnant.

Moonstone has always been valued for its beauty and although it is a fairly soft stone, it measures 6.5 on the Mohs scale. It has always been used in the making of jewellery and Art Nouveau designers like Rene Lalique  and Louis Comfort Tiffany used the stone in their designs.

Even though Moonstone is considered to be the birthstone for June, it is also closely associated with the Pisces star sign.

After the moon landing in 1970, the state of Florida adopted Moonstone as its official stone.


Moonstone belongs to the orthoclase branch of the Feldspar  family. It is the most well known and most sought after of all Feldspars. Due to layering during formation it has the most beautiful shine when polished. This is the refraction of the incoming light. It shows up as a beautiful floating whitish blue light effect which is called adularescence. It also comes in shades of grey, peach, pink and even green. Blue white moonstones are the most sought after and is often from Sri Lanka.

A selection of tumbled moonstones


Moonstone is deeply feminine and naturally helps us to seek out what is beautiful and graceful. It works on bringing balance back into one’s life. Where there is a tendency to overeat, it helps to bring a deeper understanding of why one does so. It helps you to see food in a different way. A workaholic will gently be nudged by this stone to focus on a better work/life balance. The overly aggressive will be calmed by this stone while the meek will find courage if they work with this crystal. When the focus is on the materialistic, Moonstone will gently change the focus to the spiritual.


Moonstone anchors the Divine energy on Earth and heals anything that is out of balance.

Crystal First Aid:

Crystal first aid


Moonstone is an excellent stone to help with the balance of hormones.

What to expect when working with Moonstone:

Moonstone is a slow acting crystal and it will take a few weeks before one will see a change in one’s behaviour. The changes are always very subtle and often take place without being aware of it. One is just gentler and kinder.

I have often noticed that when I suggest a Moonstone to someone that person will change their appearance slightly to a more stylish, more graceful way.

Something else I have noticed among my clients is that Moonstone tends to encourage people to either take up Yoga or Pilates.

The Best Way to Clean a Moonstone:

Moonstone is very closely linked to water and as such can simply by held under cold running water for few minutes to be cleansed. While holding your crystal under water imagine seeing all the stale energy flow from the stone.

You can also clean your crystal by leaving it out during the waning moon. This will draw out any stale or stuck energy from the stone. This is especially advisable if the crystal is new to you. After the full moon place your crystal outside and let it sit in the moon light till the next full moon. The waning moon will draw out any stale or stuck energy that came with the stone while the waxing moon will charge your crystal, completing the charge on the next full moon.

Moonstone scratches easily so be careful when wearing it.

Full moon to clean moonstone with
Use the energy of the full moon to clean your Moonstone


The best way to charge your cleansed Moonstone is to charge it by the light of the full moon. Place it outside in the moonlight and leave it there overnight.

I am often asked if the stone has to be directly in the light of the moon. Or what happens it if is a cloudy night?

It is preferable that the stone is in the full light of the moon, however this is not always possible due to clouds so if the stone is outside or on a window sill where it would get maximum light if there were no clouds than that is enough for the crystal to be charged.

For a maximum charge leave the Moonstone out for three nights, one night before the full moon, the night of the full moon and the night after the full moon.


Dancing to the rhythm of life

“Happiness is not a matter of intensity, but of balance and order and rhythm and harmony.” – Thomas Merton

How to wear Moonstone:

Moonstone should be worn as a ring on either of your middle fingers or as a pendant over the Higher Heart chakra.

On the middle finger the Moonstone works with the Heart Governor meridian  and helps with the balancing and flow of the metabolism in the body. If the crystal is worn over the Higher Heart chakra  it will help with the balancing of emotions.

Never wear Moonstone during a full moon instead use the energies of the full moon to fully charge and re-energize your crystal.

Moonstone Affirmation:

Balance flows into every aspect of my being.

Angels, Ascended Masters and Spirit Guides working with Moonstone:

As I mentioned earlier the energies of Moonstone are aligned to many different deities, but for me it always connects to Archangel Haniel.

Archangel Haniel’s name means “Grace of God” and she is seen as one of the seven original Archangels. Archangel Haniel’s energy is aligned to the planet Venus and she brings about grace, harmony and beauty into one’s life. Archangel Haniel works closely with spiritual healers and spiritual artists.


“Oh Grace of God, today I let your grace, poise and beauty flow through me into every word I speak and every action I take”


Working with Moonstone will bring grace, harmony and balance into your life.

Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read my weekly blog on a specific aspect of a crystal and I do hope you found it interesting and useful!

Next week I will look at one of the crystals that work in harmony with the Solar Plexus chakra.

Crystal Blessings


Continue reading Moonstone


Stone of Flexibility

Aquamarine is the birth stone for March and is a crystal mostly associated with the Throat chakra, so many might ask why am I linking it to the Sacral chakra?

For those of you reading this blog for the first time, each month I select four crystals that relate to a chakra and discuss one aspect of the crystal. I started with the Base chakra and we are now on the third crystal relating to the Sacral chakra.

Aquamarine has many things is common with the Sacral chakra – both their energies are female, both relate to the element of water and both govern one’s emotions and the emotional body. So for me it is a perfect fit, but at the same time it is very much a crystal for the neck.  Aquamarine is a perfect example of the linking of chakras, if the Sacral Chakra is out of balance then the Throat chakra can be affected. I am yet to come across a crystal that works so quickly and effectively for neck pain.

Man with neck and back pain. Man rubbing his painful back close up. Pain relief concept

Continue reading Aquamarine

Orange Calcite

Stone of Harmony

I know that every week I gush over the crystal that I am writing about and this week is will be no different, only the gush level has been raised substantially. Orange Calcite is such a happy joyous crystal, how can I not sing its praises!

Every time I work with Orange Calcite, which is not enough in my opinion, my spirits soar. Working with this crystal is like being lifted up by a bunch of colourful balloons on a warm sunny day, just enjoying the wonder of life. Yes, this week I am truly waxing lyrical!

Jumping with balloons

This week, each time I sat down with the crystal in meditation, a warm happy glow came all over me. Orange Calcite speaks in a soft comforting voice. It reminded me of the importance of a happy home and how important it is to keep the energy balanced in your home, as this is the place where you should be able to re-energise yourself.

Orange Calcite works very closely with Archangel Jophiel, who is the Archangel of Beauty and Damara, a goddess that encourages harmony within a family. Together they create domestic bliss.

Continue reading Orange Calcite


Stone of Synchronicity 

When I did my crystal training course in Manchester, Carnelian was one of the very first crystals we worked with. It always gave me a sense of urgency, as if I needed to complete something before I can truly focus on my crystal work. Today as I work with Carnelian I no longer have this sense of urgency, as working with this crystal  now gives me a deep sense of calm and a clear vision on what needs to be done.

All those years ago I was taught that Carnelian is a stone of Fertility. If someone wishes to fall pregnant they should wear a Carnelian and a Rose Quartz crystal taped to their belly and this will help facilitate the pregnancy. Today I still use it as a crystal for fertility, but this week during my meditations I was made aware that Carnelian is a crystal for so much more than just for prospective mothers.

Carnelian really reminds us to go with the flow, to be more flexible. When we open to  the guidance of the Universe we can achieve so much more than trying to be in control, things just fall into place. If it does not, it is either not the right time or not the right step to take. This is  normally good time  to re-look at the steps you are taking to reach your goal.

Continue reading Carnelian


Stone of Purification

Haematite is a crystal that takes itself very seriously.  As I sat down with Haematite for the first meditation of the week I immediately felt its presence and it stayed with me throughout the week. It had a strong influence on all the healings I did this week. It is here to work and not to fool about. The messages I received were all short and sharp and to the point, all the while Archangel Zadkiel’s violet flame flickered around me.

It is truly a stone of Purification. Haematite helps one to forgive those who have hurt you and to let go of issues and situations that drain you of your life energy. It will also help with hurts that has been carried over from past lives and in doing so purify your auric field and soul.


Continue reading Haematite

Red Jasper

Stone of Stability

Red Jasper is the one crystal that everyone should have in their Crystal Kit. Just being in your kit, in your home Red Jasper will work its magic on you. Red Jasper is the friend that everyone wants… the friend who is always there, who is always ready to help you and give support, would never show you up and very seldom asks for anything in return.

The key word for Red Jasper is stability, but it could just as well be continuity, dependability or simplicity as it will bring all these aspects into your life.

Red Jasper is truly the workhorse in the Crystal world. It does not have to be asked to do any work for you, it will always strive to stabilise the environment it finds itself in.

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Stone of Courage

Garnet is a favourite crystal of mine, mostly because it comes in so many different colours and this makes it such a versatile stone. Most of the time I use Garnet as protection for travellers or to bring about a change in fortunes for someone, to help them open themselves up to the flow of abundance. For me Garnet is a stone of Protection or a Stone of Prosperity and I was quite surprised when during my first meditation with Garnet this week Archangel Ariel appeared and advised me that we would be discussing the courage Garnet can instil in someone.

The symbol for both Archangel Ariel and Garnet is a Lioness.

Because of how Garnet forms, it is a very stabilising crystal. It will calm the nerves and calm the mind to bring about clear thinking in any stressful situation; it is in these situations when one needs courage the most. With Garnet in your aura you will  naturally know what the next step is, but courage is not just about what to do next, it is also about when to speak up and sometimes when to keep quiet, when to accept help and when to do things on your own. Courage is never about being the strongest person, carrying everyone else’s problems, it is about knowing when to give help and when to step away, allowing a person to do something or to work something out for themselves. Garnet can help you with all of this, as Garnet lets you see the truth in each situation through empathetic eyes.

Garnet is the stone that will make even the meekest strong and courageous.

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Petrified Wood

Stone of New Beginnings

Petrified Wood is one of those very interesting crystals which many people are not aware is a crystal. Some people love it, some people hate it.

Personally I have only used it twice in my life and both times my life changed dramatically, but by no means think that this crystal will knock your socks off and send you in a vortex of change beyond your control.

Petrified Wood is gentle, patient and kind, but at the same time makes you realise when it is time to make the necessary changes to your life. It helps you to make those really big changes in your own time.

Petrified Woody brown color on a black background.

Petrified Wood is the perfect crystal to help you anchor and manifest the changes you wish to make in your life… a perfect stone for New Beginnings!

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