Circle of Love Crystal Grid
As I mentioned yesterday on Facebook Archangel Haniel had requested that we charge our crystals with the energy of the Pink Moon, so we could harness this energy for Earth healing.
Archangel Haniel’s name means “Grace of God”. In the angelic world Archangel Haniel is associated with the moon energy and one of her functions is to help us to tap into our own healing abilities often using natural remedies and crystals.
Friday’s full moon was a very special moon and in Archangel Haniel’s own words “It is extraordinary special”. In the Astrological world it is known as a micro-moon and is when the moon is the farthest away from Earth on its orbit. This occurs only once every year and moves every year by one month and 18 days, so next year this will happen on 9 June. According to Folklore the full moon in April is called the Pink Moon and refers to the first signs of Spring. The energy of this moon is especially loving and supportive and Archangel Haniel wants us to tap into this energy and use it to support Earth and those around us.
To Archangel Haniel it does not matter which subject you choose to support and send love to, as long as it is completely altruistic and non political. It can be that you just want to support a close relative or friend who is going through some kind of trauma, you might want more love and support for your family, or your neighbourhood or town that you live in. You might want to support a local business or a national industry like the UK steel industry or you might want to send healing, love and support to your favourite city or an area in the world where there is major strife. Or you can just simply send healing support and love to Earth itself. The choice is completely yours, all Archangel Haniel is asking is that you do use this crystal grid that she is giving us, as right now in this moment Earth is in desperate need of love and support from her inhabitants.
This crystal grid is a token of love and in whichever way you choose to use it, the love and support you show your fellow-man will filter through to Earth and she will know that she is loved too.
Archangel Haniel has given me 4 different options of this crystal grid depending on how many crystals you have and other than Moonstone she does not specify specific crystals for this lay out. All she asks is that you use pink and clear crystals.
This is what you will need:
A picture or photo of who or what you would like to send support and love to.
1 Moonstone
2, 4, 8 or 16 pink crystals, how ever many you have.
2, 4, 8 or 16 clear crystals, preferably quartz crystals but if you don’t have that many you can mix your clear crystals as well.
Please make sure all crystals are properly cleansed and charged.
Archangel Haniel is saying again:
“Use whatever crystals you have as long as they are pink and clear. It is important that you give special attention to the direction which you are setting up your grid. It is also important to bear in mind that it is best to use the grids with lesser crystals for healing, support and love to friends and family and those in our immediate vicinity and to use the grids with the larger amount of crystals for bigger issues. If you wish to focus solely on Earth and regional healing the best results will be achieved by using 16 or 32 pink and clear crystals.”
For all the layouts please make sure that you are setting it up where the grid will not be disturbed for at least a week.
Options for Crystal Grids:
2 Pink and 2 Clear Crystals:
Place the photo so that the top of the photo faces North and the bottom of the photo faces South.
Place the Moonstone in the centre of the photo, now place the pink crystals on either side of the Moonstone so that one crystal is in the East and the other is in the West. How far you place them from the Moonstone all depends on how much space you have.
Now place your clear crystals on the outside of the pink crystals.
All your crystals should be in a straight line from East to West.
4 Pink and 4 Clear Crystals:
Place your photo as prescribed in the previous layout, so that it lies North/ South.
Place the Moonstone in the centre of the photo, now place the pink crystals in each of the major directions to the Moonstone so that one pink crystal in the North, the South, the East and the West. Again how far you place them from the Moonstone all depends on how much space you have.
Now place your clear crystals on the outside of each the pink crystals.
The crystals should form a cross with the Moonstone in the Centre and two crystals in each direction.
8 Pink and 8 Clear Crystals:
Place your photo as prescribed in the first layout, so that it lies North/ South.
Place the Moonstone in the centre of the photo, now place the pink crystals in each of the 8 directions to the Moonstone so that one pink crystal is North, North east, East, South east, South, South west, West and North west. How far you place them from the Moonstone all depends on how much space you have.
Now place your clear crystals on the outside of each the pink crystals.
The crystals should form an eight pointed star with the Moonstone in the Centre and two crystals in each direction.
16 Pink and 16 Clear Crystals:
Follow the directions for the above mentioned lay out, simply add another layer of pink and clear crystals to the grid.
Once the crystal web is set up, join all the outer crystals with each other. You can do this with a Quartz wand if you have one or simply use your index finger.
Now call on Archangel Haniel to activate your grid and to guide the energy to your intended subject by saying out loud the following invocation:
“Beloved Archangel Haniel, Beauty and Grace, I call upon you now to let the Divine energies of these crystals and of the Pink Moon flow to (Name the person or subject in the photo). Wrap them/ it in this loving supporting energy so that any stressful situation they may face be resolved calmly and for the highest and purest good of all. Please let each person involved feel your loving embrace. I thank you.”
Now let go of any preconceived idea of what you believe the outcome should be, knowing that whatever happens is for the highest and purest good of all involved.
If you wish you can repeat the invocation three times.
Leave the grid for at least a week (7 days), but no longer than one month. Thank Archangel Haniel for her support and help and then dismantle it in the reverse way as to which you have laid the crystals out.