Stone of Flexibility
Aquamarine is the birth stone for March and is a crystal mostly associated with the Throat chakra, so many might ask why am I linking it to the Sacral chakra?
For those of you reading this blog for the first time, each month I select four crystals that relate to a chakra and discuss one aspect of the crystal. I started with the Base chakra and we are now on the third crystal relating to the Sacral chakra.
Aquamarine has many things is common with the Sacral chakra – both their energies are female, both relate to the element of water and both govern one’s emotions and the emotional body. So for me it is a perfect fit, but at the same time it is very much a crystal for the neck. Aquamarine is a perfect example of the linking of chakras, if the Sacral Chakra is out of balance then the Throat chakra can be affected. I am yet to come across a crystal that works so quickly and effectively for neck pain.
I work with Aquamarine with remarkable regularity. It seems that more and more people are suffering from neck issues, whether it is due to strain of many hours in front of a computer, general stresses or degeneration of the bones. As we know with any form of spiritual healing the aim is to remove any potential illness from the aura before it gets lodged in the physical body and pain is the body’s physical way of saying there is trouble ahead!
Before I continue, I would just like to mention that as I am writing this, I have the beautiful presence of Archangel Ariel with me. I have never seen her before like this. Today she is sprite-like in a soft pale blue dress that floats and sparkles with tiny droplets of crystalized water. She very much reminds me of Elsa, the Snow Queen in the movie Frozen. Following her is an array of nymphs and sprites (water fairies), dancing and playing.
Many years ago, I had a Jewish friend who was very dear to me and every year on Yom Kippur she used to atone for the ‘Wanton Glance’. She explained to me that when you see other people with something you wish you had or wish for something that you believe you cannot live without, you have committed the sin of a ‘Wanton Glance’. The punishment for this was a pain in the neck and as she often had neck trouble she felt this was the biggest sin she committed, hence her atonement.
Through the years I have worked with many people who have had neck problems and I often think of my friend and the ‘Wanton Glance’, and she might not be too far off with her understanding of the cause of her neck pain. What I have found when dealing with neck pain is that quite often it would be due to feeling unfulfilled, a desire to be perfect or a tendency to be are very hard on oneself and an unrealistic expectation of what one should have. There is inflexibility in the way the World is viewed. Recently I read Louise Hay’s book ‘You Can Heal Your Life’ again and was surprised to see that her view on the emotional cause of neck pain is the same as I have found over the years. She believes that the neck represents flexibility and it is often the result of not wanting to see other people’s point of view. I would like to add to this and say that it is often caused by a fear of Divine Spirit, a fear of letting go and not being in control.
Aquamarine has long since been valued as a semi- precious stone and has always been highly sought after. Yet it was only during the Renaissance that it was actually named after seawater due to its colour.
Legend has it that Aquamarine was formed in the treasure chests of the mermaids and this led the Ancient Greeks to believe that it protects seafarers from disaster and prevent seasickness.
Throughout the Middle Ages it was carried by travellers as a talisman to help you distinguish between your friend and your enemy. It was also believed that it had the power to tell the difference between the truth and a lie. Doctors also used it as an elixir to counter the effects of poisoning and today it is still used to soothe anxiety.
Aquamarine is one of the most beautiful crystals there is to be found. It is nearly always flawless. It has a soft blue green hue. Along with Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald, Aquamarine belongs to the Beryl family. Aquamarine’s hardness is 7.5-8 on the Mohs scale. This along with its beautiful shine makes it an ideal stone to use in jewellery.
The colour, which is due to iron traces, can range from light blue green to a deep sky blue, the deeper the colour the more valuable the Aquamarine. I love the fact that Wikipedia describes the colour as ‘a hue between green and blue and clear’. Don’t forget that the colour will fade in direct sunlight.
In 1910 the largest Aquamarine ever found was mined in Brazil. It weighed over 110kg. Today one can see the largest ever cut Aquamarine, the Dom Pedro, which was also mined in Brazil in Washington DC at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. Brazil is the largest supplier of Aquamarine today, although it is also found in Africa and on the Indian Subcontinent.
Aquamarine has a very feminine energy and is very focussed on healing unbalanced emotions. Its primary function is to release stuck or built up emotions. It helps us to release old and out dated thought patterns which firmly keep us living in the past, ensuring that we make the same mistakes over and over again.
We have all been in situations where in order to stop an argument and to bring peace about again we simply ‘swallow our words’. These unspoken words can be detrimental to our health especially if there is a grudge attached to it. Aquamarine helps these ‘angry words’ to become unstuck by helping us realise that it is not always important to be right.
It also makes us aware that the value of accepting the ebb and flow of life and the deep sense of peace one can get from understanding that change is constant and inevitable.
Aquamarine holds the Light of Peace within it which calms one down, this makes it an excellent crystal for anxiety suffers.
Crystal First Aid:
If you suffer from neck pain this is the crystal for you. Use a plaster to stick it to the nape of your neck, wear it until the pain lifts.
What to expect:
Aquamarine is a beautiful crystal to work with and it is an extremely powerful crystal as it works with releasing outdated beliefs about ourselves and those we love. It can be quite an emotional experience to work with this crystal.
Aquamarine can bring about crying. I always think of it as Aquamarine is the crystal manifestation of sea water, saltwater, and because of this it helps us to release our emotions through the flow of our own salty tears. One will find that once the tears had been shed a deep sense of calm and clarity comes over one.
It can also lead one to find the courage to raise issues one has been avoiding. It is often surprising how loving and considerate these discussions turn out to be.
The Best Way to Clean:
Aquamarine loves the ocean and sea water. Its preferred way of being cleansed is a thorough wash in seawater, but the following method can also be used. You will need a small glass bowl, some spring water and a black Tourmaline.
Place the black Tourmaline in the glass bowl and carefully pour the spring water over the crystal until the bowl is half full, now place your Aquamarine in the water with the black Tourmaline. Leave your crystal in the water for 20 minutes. Take both crystals out, pour the water away and charge your crystal.
Aquamarine is very closely linked to Archangel Ariel, so it is best to use her energies to charge this crystal.
Sit comfortably with your cleansed Aquamarine in your hand. Let all the thoughts of the day flow from your mind and a deep sense of peace come over you. Now hold your Aquamarine in your hands in prayer form over your heart and ask:
Beloved Archangel Ariel, please let my beautiful Aquamarine be filled with your loving energy and let it always work for my highest and purest good.
Now quietly watch Archangel Ariel’s gentle energy flow into your crystal. Quite often this energy will then also flow into you.
Archangel Ariel’s energy is normally a soft pink colour, like that of a Rose Quartz, but all the time I have worked with Aquamarine on this blog posting it has been a very pale sea green. Archangel Ariel says that when she is asked to charge any Aquamarine she will always be this pale sea green colour.
How to use it:
Aquamarine makes such beautiful jewellery it would be a shame not too use it in this way. Wear it as earrings so the energy can fill your aura.
If you suffer from anxiety place a clean, charged Aquamarine in a bottle of spring water, let it stand for 3-4 hours and then sip this water throughout the day. This will bring about a sense of calmness.
Crystal Affirmation for working with Aquamarine:
I flow with the natural rhythm of life.
Angels, Ascended Masters and Spirit Guides:
Archangel Ariel is one of my favourite Archangels. Even though she is seen as the ‘Lioness of God’, her energy can be extremely gentle and is the one of the Archangels who oversees the Earth’s environment with her focus being on that of the ocean, seas and waterways. Water fairies and sprites also fall under her command.
Archangel Invocation:
‘Beloved Archangel Ariel,
Please send your healing light to me now. Lift this cloud of doom that hangs over me, so I too can see the beauty of this life.’
Meditating with Aquamarine:
This meditation is meant to be done in a seated kneeling position on the floor, if this is not possible then sit on a chair with both feet touching the ground.
Keep a clean, charged Aquamarine in your hands on your lap.
Start you meditation by letting the thoughts of the day simply flow from your mind. If you find yourself following a string of thoughts, gently remind yourself to let go. This process will often bring up latent thought patterns, but instead of getting caught up in them simply remind yourself to let the thought go. When your mind is silent and empty, bring your hands into prayer over your heart and say:
Dearest Aquamarine, please work with me today for my highest and purest good and let any release be in such a manner that is manageable for me…. Many thanks
Now simply sit and let the energies of the Aquamarine wash over and through you.
You may see the soft light of Aquamarine swirl around you, but one can also experience a deep sense of calm or hear sounds similar to that of the ocean.
Aquamarine is a wonderful crystal to work with, on the emotional level it will bring in a deep sense of calm while on the physical level it relieves pain almost instantly, all the while helping one to accept the natural flow of life.
I would like to give special thanks to both Archangel Ariel and all the water nymphs and sprites for their help.
Next week I will be looking at Moonstone and its close connection with Archangel Haniel.