Pink Calcite, Stone of Connectivity

Compared to the effervescence of Rhodochrosite, this week’s crystal is the complete opposite. Pink Calcite is soft and gentle, so gentle that you can be forgiven for thinking that it has no effect, this is the beauty of Pink Calcite. It promotes calmness and serenity in such a gentle way that one does not even notice the change in oneself.

Over the years I have come to know three of the Mother Goddesses, each being very similar yet very different. Each Mother Goddess is associated with a different part of the world, Mother Mary is best known in the West, Quilla who is related to the Aztecs and only introduced herself to me last week; and Kuan Yin who is the Mother Goddess of the East. Kuan Yin’s energy is soft and gentle, but very supportive.

It is to Kuan Yin which Pink Calcite aligns its energy to and together, Goddess and Crystal help us to reach out to others. Continue reading Pink Calcite, Stone of Connectivity

Rhodochrosite, Stone of Optimism


This week’s crystal is Rhodochrosite. It is a beautiful pinky white stone, but is not the first stone one reaches for when you set out to work with Crystal. Yet it should be!

Rhodochrosite is generally known as the Inner Child Healer. This crystal helps one to let go of the hurts of the past.

While working with Rohodochrosite this week I was introduced to a new Deity, or at least new to me. Someone whose beauty and love is unparalleled. She is an Inca Goddess. Her name is Quilla, Mother of All, Protector of the Innocent.

Continue reading Rhodochrosite, Stone of Optimism

Green Fluorite – The Harmony Seeker

Green Fluorite is another one of Archangel Raphael’s favourite crystals.

So far Archangel Raphael has given us Emerald – The Stone of Success, Malachite – The Stone of the Wise, Ocean Jasper – The Stone of Connectivity and this week it is Green Fluorite – The Harmony Seeker. Archangel Raphael is giving us the tools  to work in close harmony with one another.

There is a lot written in general about Fluorite, but very little about Green Fluorite. It is no wonder then that Archangel Raphael is keen to tell us more about how to work with this crystal.

Green Fluorite is a perfect crystal to follow Ocean Jasper. If we are to understand our close connection, then we have to find ways that we can work in close harmony.

Continue reading Green Fluorite – The Harmony Seeker

Ocean Jasper

Stone of Connectivity

Today is World Ocean Day.

Ocean Jasper reminds us that the Ocean needs us just as much as we need the Ocean, that the Ocean is the ultimate metaphor for life. On the surface we all lead very busy, hectic; even stormy lives, yet deep within our being there is a profound sense of calm and in this sense of calm the body continues to function without interference from the outside. Ocean Jasper is our connection to this calm. Just like the Ocean, if you fill the body with waste it begins to suffer and this perfect harmony which is our natural state is undermined.

Continue reading Ocean Jasper


Stone of the Wise

Malachite is a Marmite crystal, you either like to work with it or hate it!

I know this is a very strong statement to open a post about the healing properties of a crystal, but no other crystal draws such a decisive reaction.

When I first did my crystal course, a fellow student described the first time she worked with Malachite to the class. She explained that she became extremely moody and would cry for days on end, feeling like she had a great pressure on her chest at all times. This description made me very wary of this stone and it took many years before I truly understood the function and meaning of this crystal.

Malachite is the Stone of Wisdom, it leads you to a deeper understanding of your self. Continue reading Malachite