Archangel Haniel’s

Circle of Love Crystal Grid

As I mentioned yesterday on Facebook Archangel Haniel had requested that we charge our crystals with the energy of the Pink Moon, so we could harness this energy for Earth healing.

Archangel Haniel’s name means “Grace of God”. In the angelic world Archangel Haniel is associated with the moon energy and one of her functions is to help us to tap into our own healing abilities often using natural remedies and crystals.

Friday’s full moon was a very special moon and in Archangel Haniel’s own words It is extraordinary special”. In the Astrological world it is known as a micro-moon and is when the moon is the farthest away from Earth on its orbit. This occurs only once every year and moves every year by one month and 18 days, so next year this will happen on 9 June. According to Folklore the full moon in April is called the Pink Moon and refers to the first signs of Spring. The energy of this moon is especially loving and supportive and Archangel Haniel wants us to tap into this energy and use it to support Earth and those around us. Continue reading Archangel Haniel’s


Stone of Manifestation

Some crystals, like some people are just dependable rocks (excuse the pun). No matter what you do, no matter how often you work with them, they are there for you, support you and guide you to what is best for you. Citrine is one of those crystals. Citrine is solid, very solid, but at the same time uplifting and fun.

There is no denying Citrine’s manifestation properties. Once you hold a Citrine in your hand you immediately feel stronger, more alive, creative ideas begins to flow and you find intuitive ways to see your projects through.

Continue reading Citrine


Stone of Protection

Oh! Where do I start? This might sound like a very melodramatic way to start a blog about what seems to be a very ordinary stone, but Amber is no ordinary crystal. It has no inner crystalline structure as it is fossilized resin. It is completely organic and yet it has a long history of mythology and folklore, having been used as a gem for many centuries and nearly all cultures believed in the healing powers of this stone. In the West today it is the crystal that is mostly embraced for its healing power.

It is one of my go-to crystals and one that I carry almost everyday. I especially like combining the energies of Amber with that of Rose Quartz. I wear these on days that I don’t quite feel up to scratch. Amber’s protective energy along with Rose Quartz’s nourishing energy is a perfect pick me up.

There is no denying Amber’s function and role in the healing world and its protection properties are most prevalent. Because of this it is also very closely linked to the wisest of Archangels, Archangel Uriel. The minute you work with Amber you call on the energies of Archangel Uriel.

Continue reading Amber